Monday, January 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Volcano Style!

We host birthday parties as most of you already know. Lately we've been booking up and we couldn't be more thrilled.

Sometimes we do open studio, sometimes we have a theme. This weekend we had a theme and it was volcanoes! All the children were able to work on it together and afterward we had a real eruption. Don't try this at home, unless you want a huge mess of glitter and foam everywhere!

Happy Birthday "J"!

Friday, January 22, 2010

So much going on!

These days I can't seem to catch up with all that the children are doing. From making Q paintings, to designing their own food art they keep busy. Our Passport to Preschool program is filling up quickly and we are almost at our capacity for Mondays! I'm so proud of this program, it's such a needed option for parents.

The rest of our regular classes are sprouting lots of creativity too. I've taken a bunch of pictures for your viewing pleasure.

After a little sand play we mixed some colors to make purple. This is always a fun project because the children are a part of the process. They learn about going from solid to liquid form and what two colors make purple.

Time to dye more rice!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The rewards are priceless

One of the best feelings is when I see how happy a parent is with our studio. Because they wouldn't be happy if their child wasn't. I always say it's all about the child and it IS, however, I know we're doing something right when the parent takes the time to tell us how happy their child is when they come to Magical Minds Studio.

With that said, I want to thank all the parents that have been praising our studio, spreading the word, hosting birthday parties and most of all trusting us with your most precious gifts. We plan to only make our studio better because there is always room for improvement.

Parents Night Out = Fun for your kids!

Parents Night Out runs every week rotating between Friday and Saturday. It's a pretty affordable night at only $25 for 3 hours and food for your child ($45 for siblings).

Last Saturday Edelweiss was hosting and she had saved up paper bags especially for that night. Check out the fun the kids had while their parents were having a night out.

Drawing Class

By popular demand we now offer a drawing class for ages 8 and older. These classes are offered Tuesday evenings at 6:00 pm for 5 weeks.

It was wonderful to see these artists get right into it! Elizabeth teaches this class and as always I get lots of praise on how well she relates to the students. Here are a few pictures from the evening class.

The next 5 week session we'll be offering a painting class for those of you that are interested!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Making Music

Children love music and it's even more fun when they make their very own musical instrument. This morning we made shakers and added all sorts of colorful objects to our bottles. To make the perfect sound each child selected a certain amount of bells to add to our shakers. Afterward they put on their own little dance. Let's just say there was a whole lotta shaking going on!

Happy New Year!

The year 2010 is now upon us and the children have turned our studio into a home. Each morning we are greeted with eager faces awaiting their chance to dive into something new. Our lessons are fresh each session, repeating some of our favorites and enhancing some of the others. As many of you know we document our lessons so we know how the children relate to each subject matter. As always they lead the way in exploration.

We've made many wintry creations to acclimate ourselves to the climate. Penguins made our list with recycled water bottles. We always use some sort of recyclable material in our work. Ice scenes were created on our light table with watercolor and we added real snow to the water table...with a little food coloring to spruce it up.