Saturday, November 28, 2009

Printing take two!

We revisit printing often at the studio since there are such variety of materials that can be introduced with this technique. Large scale is always best for the little ones and smaller tools for the older children.

As always we love the outcome as much as they do.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Black Friday!

Bring the children in to paint, print, draw, build and explore the many materials we have to offer. We are offering a special on November 27th - BLACK FRIDAY! Each child is $12 per hour from 9:00 am until 6:00 pm.

Go out and shop or just relax while your children have fun with us!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Food Pantry Donations

We are happy to be apart of the Oak Park Art District Business Association. Together we have collaborated to collect non perishable food for the local Food Pantry.

We are hosting Parents Night out this Friday and Saturday (Nov. 20th and 21st) from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Bring in a food item and receive $5 off the price of the $25 cost of a child.

Also, on Friday from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm we are hosting an open studio. Again bring in a food item and receive $5 off the $15 cost of an open studio hour.

Join us in our drive and let your children benefit from giving and from the joys of art!


Stars in Space

This week our lesson was about Space and the stars that make up constellations. We had some interesting conversation about the images in the sky and what they could be. From a frog to a robot to a lake with fish coming up for air. The imaginations were running wild. Moon rocks were created by generously layering them with glittered paint. Some children decided to make their creations with colored ice cubes at the light table. A favorite activity for a lot of students as the colors become really vibrant on the light table.

Passport 2 Preschool Week 9 and 10

We had a special visitor today. One of our Magical Explorations students who decided he wanted to skip his preschool class and come to our studio instead. Yes we were honored and very excited to have him this morning. He fit right in as we knew he would and we started with the letter "H". We read books about hot air balloons and talked about how heat rises.

The day involved self made air spinners, a parachute, more cutting, and cloud painting.

Week 10

This week we became more familiar with the letter "I". We talked about inches and measuring, the state we lived in and made a puffy map of Illinois. Then we hammered large ice cubes to make ice chips. We experimented with melting colored ice in water and painted with it too!

The children also examined insects and made insect mobiles which they loved sharing with their parents at pick-up time.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Splatter Art

Our Monday evening Magical Creations L2 class got busy with some splatter painting. They really enjoyed mixing the colors and as you can see they did really well with their combinations.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Passport to Preschool Week 7 and 8

"F" is for things that FLOW! We incorporated our gravity lesson with P2P this week for a group project. Between globs of paint covered objects rolling downhill to water changing colors we had a very busy morning.

Afterward we made some Flowers and because it was such a windy day (yet very warm!) we ventured outside to feel the wind blowing and watch the leaves falling from the trees.

Then it was back to work on our color...RED! Using colored pencils the students drew on their color page. Once one child got hold of a sharpener it became a sharpening frenzy. We let them go to town since it's such a great fine motor skill. They actually did this for a good 10 minutes! Ask your child if they can now sharpen a pencil, I bet they're great at it.

Week 8

Things that GO! Our students were very busy this morning. From making cars to building roads to painting buildings we had them moving. They were very excited to be able to write with chalk on the floor. Our pumpkins were put to good use as cones for construction sites! "G" was a hit!