Friday, August 13, 2010

New Classes

Autumn is coming and with it we've provided some pretty awesome classes!

Comic Book Drawing (5 weeks, one day a week, 1 hour per class: ages 8 and up). Students will learn the basic fundamentals of comic book drawing. Each artist will be encouraged to think of a story and capture the characters on paper. Using ink, pencil and paper their characters and the story will come to life. Cost of the class is $120 which includes a $20 material fee.

Art Around the World (10 weeks, one day a week 1 hour per class: ages 4 and up). Students will be able to explore other cultures in this class, exploring art from countries all over the world. Class will include geography, using the world map to identify and locate a different country or region each week. Students participate in multiple stations that focus on painting, drawing, weaving, and sculpture. Regions include: Japan, France, Morocco, Brazil, Australia, and India and many more! Class is offered on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Cost is $198/10 weeks, $105/5 weeks.

Art Workshops (5 Weeks, 2 hours per class): (8 years +)
These classes introduce and enhance the principals of drawing, painting, sculpting and print making. Students will gain working knowledge of these four subjects by creating a finished piece of art in each medium. This course will also introduce students to narrative and collaborative conceptualization. Cost, $120, which includes material fee.

Check out our class page for more details!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Something Old

Artists love to create. We love to provide them with the this case utensils.

I decided to go to an estate sale with my sister (very strange to go through other peoples belongings when they are no longer present). Nevertheless, I thought, what better way to honor someone than to have young children, full of life, make art out of their utensils. The very utensils that aided in the nourishment of their once living bodies. Maybe too much information for you? Oh well, these wind chimes have meaning...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The End of Summer

We are nearing the end of Summer and with that the end of Summer Camp. We've had some fun and now we are ready for one of my favorite seasons! I love the Autumn breeze and the natural colors that begin to surround us.

New classes will be offered too, be sure to check our website out for details. Especially for older artists, we've listened to your requests and are now offering Comic Book Drawing, Art Around the World and an extended day option for Passport 2 Preschool!

Here are a few pictures of the artists at work.