Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Passport To Preschool - Week One and Two

This week we welcomed students to our new program: Passport to Preschool (P2P). All the children were busy making their own personal boxes, cube pictures, painting their forms, painting with watercolor ice cubes at the light table, and making moon sand.

We read some books that introduced us to our lesson and helped us all get to know each other better. Here are just some pictures from the first day. See you all next week!

Week Two:
We started with the letter A and began by reading The Alphabet Tree by Leo Lionni. A great book that teaching the idea of letters that make up words and words that make sentences. In addition our shape of the day was a triangle and color of the day was green. The children were so busy today time flew by! From making "A"lligators to making Green dough, we had a blast. Can't wait until next week!

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